How to See the Hours Played on Xbox One

Gaming provides entertainment and excitement to its users as it contains lots of war techniques and amazing stages of missions that every gamer is curious about. It would help if you made a fine balance between hours spent on your gaming console or your important time. Nowadays, there are millions of people using gaming consoles to play the game seamlessly without any restriction. One of the popular consoles, “Xbox One,” is developed by Microsoft, and the company is struggling towards providing various splendid features. The device is outstanding for video game playing, but some minor flaws sometimes disappoint the users and their parents.

Every parent concerned about the time spent on these video games by their younger children. If you are playing your game as a hobby, that’s fine, but if it becomes an addiction for you, then it will harm your health and affect other norms.
Xbox lacks transparency also as it is hard to find how much you have played and the total amount of time you consumed during your gameplay. Only a few of the games show the exact time you’re playing. Whereas other companies, like Valve, provide accurate statistics for this feature. Some reasons help you to find how much you have played the particular game through the Xbox One.
Here are the instructions to know how to view the playing hours while playing on Xbox One:
Monitoring the Time Spent on Individual Xbox One Game
If you want to know how much you have played on your Xbox device and want to know the exact hours you have spent while playing the game, follow these steps:
  • First and foremost, restart the Xbox One Console.
  • Now, search for the desired game for which you wish to know the hours played on the particular device. It will be available on the system’s Home screen.
  • Next, hit the Apps and My games section and then make the game’s icon highlighted.
  • Then, tap on the menu option from the accessibility of your Xbox controller. This action will launch the App menu there.
  • After that, press the option “Go to Official Club.”
  • To get the progress button, you have to scroll right or left-hand-side. Now, this progress tab will be available via the new screen there.
  • Now, you will be brought to the achievement section where you have to scroll down the page to hit the Stats option.
  • Once you have pressed the “Stats” option, then you will be able to see the total hours played by you. Apart from this information, you will get other data related to the game.
  • If you wish to compare the played hours between you and your friends, then hit the Compare tab. It will show you who has played and spent most of the time playing.
Note: the procedure mentioned above is finalized after testing, and it also works on the latest Xbox update.
Checking the Hours Spent While Playing through Xbox One App
This app is important for those parents and users who are on the go and want to know how much time they have spent playing the video game through Xbox One.
Abide by these instructions to know how to check the accurate timing through Xbox One application:
  • First and foremost, install the application on your device. This program is free to download through Google Play Store; one can avail of this feature on his device.
  • After that, install and then Sign in to your Xbox application.
  • Then, hit the hamburger option situated at the top right-hand side section edge.
  • Now, click the Achievements tab.
  • Select the game of your choice for that you wish to get the play time information.
  • Finally, scroll your page down, and then hit the “Time Played” option there.

    Abigail Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on Blog-antivirus and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.


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